kair.us/ projects/ jakadapter/


Dual Atari joystick adapter v2

JAKADAPTER 2.1 RA and TH versions with C64 paddle and 3rd
      party megadrive pad

The Jakadapter allows connecting two Atari-style controllers to USB. It supports standard joysticks, paddles and also Sega Megadrive gamepads on both ports. It has cheap and simple hardware which is easy to build yourself.


(*) Seems to depend on OS. Windows polls at 1000 Hz, Linux and OSX poll at 500 Hz.


The adapter hardware is based on PIC18F24K50, fairly cheap PIC with integrated full-speed USB. The circuit is kept as simple as possible, while trying to provide optimum performance. The schematic is available in PDF below.
Circuit diagram v2.2

The PIC has integrated pull-up resistors at port B. There is also internal pull-up at port E (only one pin available, RE3). I first tried to use that also, but failed miserably. Reason is that even /MCLR is disabled, bringing that pin higher than +5V causes entering programming mode and causing reset of the PIC. So when connecting a joystick to adapter, static charge at the joystick cable could sometimes cause the PIC to reset, causing USB re-initialization. Unlike other pins, /MCLR doesn't have ESD clamp diode to VCC. This is the reason I had to make PCB re-spin from 2.0 to 2.1. Lesson learned. I added external pull resistor from /MCLR to VCC and even a small capacitor to protect capacitive coupling, probably a bit overkill.

Ports A and C require external pull-ups. The external pull-ups are chosen to match real C64 joystick ports. External pull-ups are used on pin 6 (the fire button) on both ports. This ensures that auto-fire works correctly on all joysticks. Some auto-fire circuits are powered from the port pull-up, and not from the +5V line.

Since there were pins available, I use two pins per port to supply +5V. This allows supplying up to 50 mA per port or alternatively using one pin to supply current and other as A/D input to check if there is too much current drawn, causing voltage to drop. There are still three pins available. These could be used e.g. to drive two bi-color LEDs to indicate the operation mode of each port. Another possibility would be to have also pin 8 configurable for those odd controllers which doesn't have pin 8 as ground.

I have aimed to use full speed USB which generally requires hardware USB support from µC. There are SW USB implementations for Atmel µC's that don't have any USB HW. I find these implementations quite impressive. These are however currently limited to low speed USB. Low speed USB supports maximum update rate of 100 Hz. In practice that would perhaps not matter much, most HID devices are low speed. And the games usually read the joystick input at 25 Hz or slower. But I wanted to get the lowest possible lag.


There are two versions of the layout:
The PCBs for are designed with Eagle. Below Eagle 3D rendered through-hole version board
 JAKADAPTER 2.1 through hole
And here's the SMD version, also rendered with Eagle 3D.

Finally, here's photo of actual through-hole version board.
Jakadapter 2.1 TH actual photo

And here are schematic and board files available for download:

jakadapter 2.2 through hole Eagle .sch and .brd, Gerber files, PCB order from PCBWay
, invite link for PCBWay registration for some free credit and bill of materials including part numbers for Digi-Key and Mouser
jakadapter 2.1 SMD Eagle .sch and .brd


Currently the FW size is about 7 kB. With the bootloader taking 2 kB, there is still 7 kB left for new features. The source code and compiled .HEX file are available for download below. Note! USB header file for HID descriptors is not included in the package, as it is modified from CCS copyrighted code. Contact me if you have the compiler and need the file.

jakadapter_21_v13.zip (Version 1.3, Aug 4, 2017. Improved paddle filter algorithm. Bootloader embedded to .hex file. Compiled with CCS compiler v5.054)

jakadapter_21_paddlemouse_v11.zip (Version 1.1, Aug 5, 2017. This is experimental version which is acts as a HID mouse and not joystick. This allows to use paddles in VICE emulator. Use paddles in port 1 of Jakadapter. You might want to turn off mouse acceleration from operating system (this is called 'Enhance pointer precision' in Windows)

Starting from version 1.3, the bootloader is already included in the jakadapter_21_vxx.hex file. To enter bootloader mode, keep joystick 1 fire button pressed when connecting USB cable.

Main updates since v0.5 which was used in original version of adapter are:

How to build it

For a DIY build, it is easier to build the through-hole component version. This chapter describes the steps required to build it. It assumes you have basic electronics tools and know how to use them.

Order the parts

Order the parts which are listed in the BOM. To make it easier, I have gathered a Digikey shared cart and a Mouser shared cart which have all the required components except the PCB.

Order the PCB

You can order a batch of 10 boards for $5 + shipping (approx. $13 total) from PCBWay using this link. If you haven't yet registered to PCBWay, you can register via this link and get some free initial credit (and also earn me some credit as well). Or use the Gerber package and order boards from your favorite manufacturer. Remember that board thickness should be 1.2 mm to fit to enclosure.

Get a PIC programmer

If you don't have a PIC programmer or don't have a place/friend where it could be programmed, the cheapest option is to buy a PICkit2 or PICkit3. Also the cheap Chinese clones e.g. from eBay will usually work.

Solder the components

Assembling the PCB is very straightforward job. Component locations are marked on silkscreen, but you can also use this assembly drawing to find which part goes where. Components IC1, RN1 and RN2 need to be mounted with correct orientation. Pin 1 is marked with a dot or notch, they have to match the assembly drawing. It is advised to mount the d-sub connectors first with screws to the PCB and then solder the pins. You can use 8 mm long M3 screws and M3 nuts. The BOM and shared carts specify #4-40 3/8" imperial screws because those are better available in Digikey and Mouser.

Program the PIC

Download the latest firmware. Information on how to program the PIC, see here.

Cut holes to the enclosure

This is maybe the trickiest part in building the Jakadapter. A proxxon or dremel is handy, but a fretsaw or knife will work too. The PCB will be trapped between the enclosure and its cover. I don't have any drawing or template for this, it is best to cut a little at a time and do frequent trial fittings.

How to use it

There isn't much to instruct here. The Jakadapter will be recognized as two HID compatible game controllers and doesn't require any drivers. You just need to select the Jakadapter from your emulator to be used as controller. You don't need to do any calibration as was required with old analog PC joysticks. It really is plug-and-play.

Testing the operation

To test operation of Jakadapter and also operation of your maybe 30+ years old joystick, you can use the tools provided by operating system.

On modern Windows versions, the joystick calibration application can't be found from the control panel anymore. But it still is there, you can run it by pressing Win+R and type joy.cpl and hit enter. Or on Windows 10 just open the start menu and type joy.cpl. Unfortunately Windows can't read the USB descriptors properly and it will display both ports of Jakadapter with same description. Microsoft hasn't bothered to fix this even though the bug has been there at least from Windows 2000.

On Linux systems you can use e.g. jstest command line tool.

Updating the firmware

The Jakadapter uses a bootloader, so the PIC programmer is not required for updates. You can enter the bootloader mode by keeping joystick 1 fire button pressed down when connecting the USB cable. You can then use the update tools suggested on the my USB HID bootloader page.

Using paddles in VICE

The VICE supports paddle emulation only with mouse. In order to use Paddles in VICE with Jakadapter, I've created a special firmware. In order for it to work, the mouse acceleration needs to be completely switched off. I have detailed the setup procedure in this post on Lemon64 forum.

Other joystick adapters

Here are some other similar projects or products. A short summary of supported controllers, update rate, used HW etc. is provided. I do not guarantee that all information provided here is correct.


10ms polling, 1 joystick, paddles

1ms polling, 1 joystick, paddles

Retrousb Atari retro port
1 joystick, no paddles

Retrousb Genesis retro port
1 Megadrive 3 or 6 button pad

1 joystick, SMS, Megadrive 3 and 6 button, multitap, 10 ms polling (atmega8)

Hexagons/Retro-Donald USB Joystick adapter
2 joysticks, 10 ms polling (Atmel ATtiny 2313)

Simon Inns Atari joystick USB adapter
2 joysticks, no paddles. 1 ms polling, PIC2550

Simon Inns C64 Vice front-end
2 joysticks, paddles, keyboard, 1ms polling, PIC4550

Retro Adapter
Supports a huge range of different controllers with adapters. 10 ms polling (atmega168)

Retronic Design USB Joystick adapter

Supports 1 joystick, SMS controller, CD32 gamepad and Amiga mouse. 10 ms polling (atmega-8).

projects/ jakadapter/

page created 23.7.2014
last updated 12.3.2020 webmaster@kair.us